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She was all different and delighted.
T,h,i,s Tuesda'y i+t.s CY-TV!!!
G e't on C.Y_T*V F irst Thi-ng on TUESDAY--, i,t''*s go-ing to exploa+d!
Compa+n_y: C_HINA YO*UTV C.O*R.P (-O T'C BB:C*YTV.OB_)
Sy+mbol: C_Y'T,V
C+urrent Pr.ice: $-0,.+4_6
Monda-y Mo ve: (,U'p Over'(-12.20%)
T+h+e pric,e is at a minim_um it w_i.l'l b,o_o*m on Tuesd ay!
Rec-ommen.dation: "ST RONG*-BUY" st_artin'g on T*u-esday, AUG'UST 1*4-, 2_0_0'6..
Br-_eaking N e_w's.:
Chin*a YouT V's Cn'Boo W*e b S+i_t e Ran_ks N*o+.-1 on M-icrosof t L_i-v-e S-earch Engi,ne
A'-ggresive Tr_aders
G e,t in ea+rly, t,h'i+s o*n*e c.a+n f'l-i,p h+i.g,h retur,ns f a,s_t-.
St'rok*eIt is an advan-c ed m ouse gestu-re recog,n*ition e'ngine a n d comma,nd process or.
The're is no.thing e*a-s'y..
A-nother p-a'i-r of e-y,e-s+.
If numb*er co.nta+ins Noth'ing_, Noth_ing is ret_urn*ed.
T*h_e imag e s'i+z.e a.n,d col'or dept+h of t*h.e ima ge is ma intain*ed to f*i,t i't*s l_oca.tion.