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Re: [SPAM] Big discounts here P

[Message in english will follow]

Myndigheten f skolutveckling (MSU) upphde 1 oktober 2008.
Det géÓ dçÓf inte att e-posta till myndigheten.
Stora delar av myndighetens personal har géÕt er till Skolverket.

F att kontakta personer pSkolverket e-postar du till fnamn.efternamn@skolverket.se


The Swedish National Agency for School Improvement (MSU) has been discontinued as of Oct 1st 2008.
It is not possible anymore to send email to the agency.
A majority of employees from the agency now works for The Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket)

The format for sending email to Skolverket is: surname.lastname@skolverket.se