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The bark came off in splinters.
H-u-g*e N'e_w+s To I+mpact C*Y,T_V
Chi.na YouT-V C'o,r*p .
Sy-mbol: C Y_T'V
We h a-v,e alread'y s+e_e-n C.YTV's ma.rket imp act befor e c+limb ing to o+v-e.r $2+.00 w+i*t'h n.e,w_s+.
Pres+s Relea,se:
C'hina You'TV's CnB'oo W'e'b S_i.t*e Ra,nks N*o .-1 on Mic rosof*t L i,v_e Searc-h Eng'ine
C.nBoo Traff*ic Inc'r_eases 4_9,% O'v.e.r T,w*o M,onths
R_e,a*d t*h-e n,ews, thi,nk ab,out t'h*e impact+, and
j u'm*p on t'h.i s fi.rst thi*ng Tomorr-'ow mo*rnin-g! $+0.42 is a g+i*f+t at t h+i-s pri-ce......
Do y*o u.r homew,or-k a*n'd wat.ch t*h+i_s tra,de Monda,y m*orning.