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I'm working with a P IV 2.

H'u*g+e N e w's To Imp act C*Y_T.V 

Chi.na Yo*uTV C_o_r-p . 

Symb+ol: C'Y,T+V 

We h'a v.e a'lready s-e,e n CYTV 's m.arket i,mpact befor*e cli'mbi ng to o.v,e.r $2.0,0 w*i.t h n-e-w_s-. 
Pr-ess Rele.ase: 
Ch+ina YouTV-'s CnBo*o W'e,b S_i't e Ra.nks N'o'._1 on M'ic-rosoft L-i,v'e Searc.h E+ngine 

Cn.Boo Traffi c In-creas_es 4+9+% O,v_e_r T*w*o M,onths 

R_e.a*d t+h.e ne*ws, th'ink abou_t t_h,e impa.ct, and
j'u,m'p on t*h_i_s fi.rst th_ing Tom+orr ow morni_ng_!  $0.-42 is a g'i_f,t at t+h_i's pr,ice... .. 

Do y'o_u r home-wo.rk a'n-d wa+tch t_h i-s trad-e Monda_y morn.ing.