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jp.netbsd.org www: 'htdocs/ja - Imported sources'

Update of /cvsroot/htdocs/ja
In directory mogu:/tmp/cvs-serv27962

Log Message:
import from TNF.
  People/groups/index.list: 1.17
  Sites/cdroms.list: 1.144
  Sites/net.html: 1.206
  gallery/events.list: 1.204
  mirrors/index.html: 1.100


Vendor Tag:	TNF
Release Tags:	date-2003-02-10
C htdocs/ja/People/groups/index.list
C htdocs/ja/mirrors/index.html
C htdocs/ja/Sites/net.html
C htdocs/ja/Sites/cdroms.list
C htdocs/ja/gallery/events.list

5 conflicts created by this import.
Use the following command to help the merge:

	cvs checkout -jTNF:yesterday -jTNF htdocs/ja