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Documentation/x/index.xml: 1.3 -> 1.5
Documentation/x/index.xml: 1.3 -> 1.5
> revision 1.5
> date: 2007/05/17 15:33:46; author: kano; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5
> - fix typo
> - use varname element for make variable
> ----------------------------
> revision 1.4
> date: 2007/05/15 12:55:20; author: hubertf; state: Exp; lines: +215 -102
> General cleanup, update of font handling, etc.
> Patch by Mark Weinem, with help from Aleksey Cheusov and Brian de Alwis
月曜日までに異議がなければ、 commit します。
--- Documentation/x/index.xml.orig 2007-05-19 10:22:02.000000000 +0900
+++ Documentation/x/index.xml 2007-05-19 10:22:02.000000000 +0900
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<webpage id="ja-Documentation-x-index">
<config param="desc" value="NetBSD ドキュメンテーション: X Window System"/>
<config param="cvstag"
- value="$NetBSD: index.xml,v 1.3 2006/03/27 15:46:55 kano Exp $"/>
+ value="$NetBSD: index.xml,v 1.5 2007/05/17 15:33:46 kano Exp $"/>
<!-- Based on english version: -->
-<!-- NetBSD: index.xml,v 1.3 2006/03/27 15:46:55 kano Exp -->
- <config param="rcsdate" value="$Date: 2006/03/27 15:46:55 $"/>
+<!-- NetBSD: index.xml,v 1.5 2007/05/17 15:33:46 kano Exp -->
+ <config param="rcsdate" value="$Date: 2007/05/17 15:33:46 $"/>
<!-- Copyright (c) 1994-2005
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
<sect2 id="running-x">
<title>X の実行</title>
<sect3 id="wsmouse">
<title>XFree でマウスを動作させる方法は ?</title>
@@ -244,108 +245,221 @@
3.3.5 であることを表します。</para>
- <sect3 id="anti_aliased">
- <title>NetBSD と XFree86 4 上でのアンチエイリアスフォントの設定方法</title>
- <para><emphasis role="bold">注意</emphasis>: xpkgwedge を使っている場合は、
- 以下の説明中のパスを適宜読み替えてください</para>
+<sect3 id="anti_aliased">
+<title>NetBSD 上での X11 用アンチエイリアスフォントの設定方法</title>
- <orderedlist>
- <listitem>以下の各パッケージを <ulink url="../software/packages.html">pkgsrc</ulink> からインストールします:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><filename
- role="pkg">fonts/ms-ttf</filename></listitem>
- <listitem><filename
- role="pkg">fonts/mkfontscale</filename></listitem>
- <listitem><filename
- role="pkg">fonts/fontconfig</filename></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>フォントのヒント情報を設定します:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><code>mkfontscale /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType</code></listitem>
- <listitem><code>mkfontdir /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType</code></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- これで、 TrueType フォントディレクトリー内に
- '<filename>fonts.dir</filename>' と
- '<filename>fonts.scale</filename>' ができたはずです。
- </listitem>
- <listitem>X サーバーの構成:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>"Module" セクション内に、
- 以下の記述があることを確認します:
- <screen>
- Load "type1"
- Load "freetype"</screen></listitem>
- <listitem>"Files" セクション内の、フォントパスの順序を確認します。
- TrueType と Type1 用のフォントパスが、
- それ以外のものより先にあることを確認します:
- <screen>
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local/"
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/"
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"</screen>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>Xft の設定 --
- <filename>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XftConfig</filename> ファイルの例を以下に示します:
- <screen>##### Example XftConfig
-dir "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType"
-dir "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
-# LCD ディスプレイを使っている場合は、次の行のコメントを外します
-#match edit rgba = rgb;
-match any family == "fixed" edit family =+ "mono";
-includeif "~/.xftconfig"
-match any family == "Times" edit family += "Times New Roman";
-match any family == "Helvetica" edit family += "Verdana";
-match any family == "Courier" edit family += "Courier New";
-match any family == "serif" edit family += "Times New Roman";
-match any family == "sans" edit family += "Verdana";
- any family == "mono"
- all slant == roman
- all weight < bold
- family += "monotype.com";
-match any family == "mono" edit family += "Courier New";
-match any family == "Charter" edit family += "Bitstream Charter";
-match any family == "Bitstream Charter" edit family =+ "Charter";
-match any family == "Lucidux Serif" edit family += "LuciduxSerif";
-match any family == "LuciduxSerif" edit family =+ "Lucidux Serif";
-match any family == "Lucidux Sans" edit family += "LuciduxSans";
-match any family == "LuciduxSans" edit family =+ "Lucidux Sans";
-match any family == "Lucidux Mono" edit family += "LuciduxMono";
-match any family == "LuciduxMono" edit family =+ "Lucidux Mono";
-match any family == "Comic Sans" edit family += "Comic Sans MS";
-match any family == "Comic Sans MS" edit family =+ "Comic Sans";
-match any family == "Trebuchet" edit family += "Trebuchet MS";
-match any family == "Trebuchet MS" edit family =+ "Trebuchet";
-match any family == "Monotype" edit family =+ "Monotype.com";
-match any family == "Andale Mono" edit family += "Monotype.com";
-match any family == "Monotype.com" edit family =+ "Andale Mono";
-##### End of XftConfig
- </screen></listitem>
- <listitem>fontconfig
- を利用するアプリケーション用のフォントキャッシュを再構築します:
- <screen>fc-cache -v</screen>
- これにはかなり時間がかかりますので (PII 366 マシンで最大 20 分程度)、
- 辛抱して待ってください。
- </listitem>
- <listitem>これで完了です。
- X サーバーを再起動して、この構成を確認してください:
- <screen>xterm -ls -fg gray -bg black -ls -fa "Courier New Bold" -fs 10</screen>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
+<filename role="pkg">pkgtools/xpkgwedge</filename> を使っている場合は、
+pkgsrc から、
+<filename role="pkg">fonts/ms-ttf</filename> パッケージをインストールします。
+pkgsrc 版の X を使っている場合は、
+<filename role="pkg">fonts/mkfontscale</filename> および
+<filename role="pkg">fonts/fontconfig</filename> パッケージもインストールします。
+&os; 附属の XFree86 を使っている場合、
+pkgsrc の <filename role="pkg">fonts/fontconfig</filename> は、もっと複雑なオプションを使えるので、
+そちらを使うことを考えてもよいでしょう。附属 (あるいは標準) のバージョンを使わずに
+pkgsrc 版を使うようにするため、<filename>/etc/mk.conf
+</filename> ファイルで pkgsrc 用の変数 <varname>
+ PREFER.fontconfig</varname> を以下のように設定します。
+ <screen>
+ PREFER.fontconfig=pkgsrc
+ </screen>
+ さらに、fontconfig
+ が<emphasis>ビットマップフォント</emphasis>を今後一切使わないように指示するとよいでしょう。
+ <screen>
+ # cd /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d
+ # ln -s ../../../share/examples/fontconfig/conf.avail/70-no-bitmaps.conf .
+ </screen>
+標準の fontconfig ライブラリーを完全に pkgsrc 版に置き換えるとよいかもしれません。
+ <screen>
+ # cd /usr/X11R6/lib
+ # mv libfontconfig.so.1.0 libfontconfig.so.1.0.old
+ # rm libfontconfig.so.1
+ # ln -s ../../pkg/lib/libfontconfig.so.1 .
+ # cd /usr/X11R6/bin
+ # mv fc-cache fc-cache.old
+ # mv fc-list fc-list.old
+ </screen>
+fontconfig を設定するため、以下の行を local.conf
+<filename>/etc/fonts/local.conf</filename> にあります。
+fonts/fontconfig パッケージをインストールしている場合は、
+に<emphasis role="bold">も</emphasis>同様に追加する
+ <screen>
+ <dir>/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/TTF</dir>
+ </screen>
+<filename>local.conf</filename> ファイルの内容は、以下のようになるでしょう。
+ <screen>
+ <?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
+ <fontconfig>
+ <dir>/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/TTF</dir>
+ </fontconfig>
+ </screen>
+<filename>local.conf</filename> ファイルに追加することができます。
+以下に示すのは、teTeX-3.0 と ghostscript のフォントを使うための設定です。
+ <screen>
+ <dir>/usr/pkg/share/texmf-dist/fonts/</dir>
+ <dir>/usr/pkg/share/ghostscript/fonts</dir>
+ </screen>
+ </para>
+ fontconfig を利用するアプリケーション用のフォントキャッシュを再構築します。
+ <screen>
+ # fc-cache -v
+ </screen>
+ <screen>
+ # mkfontscale /usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/TTF
+ # mkfontdir /usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/TTF
+ </screen>
+これで、TTF フォントディレクトリーに、<filename>fonts.dir</filename> と
+ <filename>fonts.scale</filename> ファイルができたはずです。
+<para>X サーバーの構成
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> <quote>Module</quote> セクション内に、以下の記述があることを確認します:
+ <screen>
+ Load "type1"
+ Load "freetype"
+ </screen>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <quote>Files</quote> セクション内の、フォントパスの順序を確認します。
+ TTF と Type1 用のフォントパスが、
+ それ以外のものより先にあることを確認します:
+ <screen>
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local/"
+ FontPath "/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/TTF"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"</screen>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ 以上の変更を現在の X のセッションに反映するには、
+ X を再起動するのではなく、以下のコマンドを実行します。
+ <screen>
+ # xset fp rehash
+ </screen>
+ このコマンドは、あらたに追加されたフォントパスを調べます。
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ X の設定ファイルに <quote>FontPath</quote> ディレクティブを追加するかわりに、
+ <filename>~/.xinitrc</filename>
+ (または <filename>~/.xsession</filename>)
+ ファイルで以下のコマンドを実行するという方法もあります。
+ <screen>
+ xset +fp /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1
+ xset +fp /usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/TTF
+ xset +fp /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local
+ </screen>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <screen>
+ $ xterm -ls -fg gray -bg black -ls -fa 'Courier New:bold' -fs 10
+ </screen>
+<userinput>fc-list</userinput> コマンドを実行すると、
+利用可能なフォントを一覧表示するはずです。そして、core は吐かないはずです。
+上で示した xterm コマンドは、fontconfig に関するテストをするだけです。
+一方、以下のコマンドは、XLFD 形式でのアクセスをテストします。
+ <screen>
+ $ xterm -fn '-monotype-Courier New-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-m-0-iso8859-1'
+ <screen>
+ $ xlsfonts | grep -i 'courier new'
+ </screen>
+ pkgsrc/fonts 以下には、別の TTF フォントパッケージもあります。
+ たとえば <filename role="pkg">fonts/vera-ttf</filename> などです。
- <para>このアンチエイリアスフォント Mini-Howto は、
- Jared D. McNeill によるものです。</para>
- </sect3>
<sect3 id="fc-cache">
<title>Xft を使うアプリケーションが CPU を食っていますが、
Index: Documentation/x/index.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/htdocs/Documentation/x/index.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.5
--- Documentation/x/index.xml 27 Mar 2006 15:46:55 -0000 1.3
+++ Documentation/x/index.xml 17 May 2007 15:33:46 -0000 1.5
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
<webpage id="Documentation-x-index">
<config param="desc" value="NetBSD Documentation: The X Window System"/>
<config param="cvstag"
- value="$NetBSD: index.xml,v 1.3 2006/03/27 15:46:55 kano Exp $"/>
- <config param="rcsdate" value="$Date: 2006/03/27 15:46:55 $"/>
+ value="$NetBSD: index.xml,v 1.5 2007/05/17 15:33:46 kano Exp $"/>
+ <config param="rcsdate" value="$Date: 2007/05/17 15:33:46 $"/>
<!-- Copyright (c) 1994-2005
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
<sect2 id="running-x">
<title>Running X</title>
<sect3 id="wsmouse">
<title>How to get the mouse working with XFree?</title>
@@ -251,108 +252,220 @@
version is 3.3.5.</para>
- <sect3 id="anti_aliased">
- <title>How to setup anti-aliased fonts on NetBSD with XFree86 4</title>
- <para><emphasis role="bold">NOTE</emphasis>: The paths below
- should be adjusted appropriately if using xpkgwedge</para>
+<sect3 id="anti_aliased">
+<title>How to setup anti-aliased fonts on NetBSD for X11</title>
- <orderedlist>
- <listitem>Install the following packages from <ulink url="../software/packages.html">pkgsrc</ulink>:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><filename
- role="pkg">fonts/ms-ttf</filename></listitem>
- <listitem><filename
- role="pkg">fonts/mkfontscale</filename></listitem>
- <listitem><filename
- role="pkg">fonts/fontconfig</filename></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>Setup the font hints:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><code>mkfontscale /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType</code></listitem>
- <listitem><code>mkfontdir /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType</code></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- There should now be a '<filename>fonts.dir</filename>' and
- '<filename>fonts.scale</filename>' in the TrueType font
- directory.
- </listitem>
- <listitem>Configure the X server:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>In the "Module" section, make sure that the
- following exists:
- <screen>
- Load "type1"
- Load "freetype"</screen></listitem>
- <listitem>In the "Files" section, verify the order of
- the font paths. Verify that the TrueType and Type1
- font paths are before the rest:
- <screen>
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local/"
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/"
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
- FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"</screen>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>Configure Xft -- an example
- <filename>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XftConfig</filename> follows:
- <screen>##### Example XftConfig
-dir "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType"
-dir "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
-# Uncomment the following line if using an LCD display
-#match edit rgba = rgb;
-match any family == "fixed" edit family =+ "mono";
-includeif "~/.xftconfig"
-match any family == "Times" edit family += "Times New Roman";
-match any family == "Helvetica" edit family += "Verdana";
-match any family == "Courier" edit family += "Courier New";
-match any family == "serif" edit family += "Times New Roman";
-match any family == "sans" edit family += "Verdana";
- any family == "mono"
- all slant == roman
- all weight < bold
- family += "monotype.com";
-match any family == "mono" edit family += "Courier New";
-match any family == "Charter" edit family += "Bitstream Charter";
-match any family == "Bitstream Charter" edit family =+ "Charter";
-match any family == "Lucidux Serif" edit family += "LuciduxSerif";
-match any family == "LuciduxSerif" edit family =+ "Lucidux Serif";
-match any family == "Lucidux Sans" edit family += "LuciduxSans";
-match any family == "LuciduxSans" edit family =+ "Lucidux Sans";
-match any family == "Lucidux Mono" edit family += "LuciduxMono";
-match any family == "LuciduxMono" edit family =+ "Lucidux Mono";
-match any family == "Comic Sans" edit family += "Comic Sans MS";
-match any family == "Comic Sans MS" edit family =+ "Comic Sans";
-match any family == "Trebuchet" edit family += "Trebuchet MS";
-match any family == "Trebuchet MS" edit family =+ "Trebuchet";
-match any family == "Monotype" edit family =+ "Monotype.com";
-match any family == "Andale Mono" edit family += "Monotype.com";
-match any family == "Monotype.com" edit family =+ "Andale Mono";
-##### End of XftConfig
- </screen></listitem>
- <listitem>Rebuild the font cache for applications that use
- fontconfig:
- <screen>fc-cache -v</screen>
- This will take a very long time (~20 minutes on a PII 366),
- so be patient.
- </listitem>
- <listitem>That's it! Restart the X server, and test the
- configuration:
- <screen>xterm -ls -fg gray -bg black -ls -fa "Courier New Bold" -fs 10</screen>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
+The paths below should be adjusted appropriately if using
+<filename role="pkg">pkgtools/xpkgwedge</filename>.
+Install the
+<filename role="pkg">fonts/ms-ttf</filename> package from pkgsrc.
+If you use the pkgsrc version of X, install also the
+<filename role="pkg">fonts/mkfontscale</filename> and
+<filename role="pkg">fonts/fontconfig</filename> packages.
+If using the XFree86 shipped with &os;, you may consider
+using <filename role="pkg">fonts/fontconfig</filename> from pkgsrc
+as it offers more tweaking options. Set the variable <varname>
+ PREFER.fontconfig</varname> to pkgsrc in the <filename>/etc/mk.conf
+</filename> file to ensure that the pkgsrc version is used in
+ favour of the shipped (or native) version:
+ <screen>
+ PREFER.fontconfig=pkgsrc
+ </screen>
+ You may also want to instruct fontconfig to never use
+ <emphasis>bitmap fonts</emphasis> again:
+ <screen>
+ # cd /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d
+ # ln -s ../../../share/examples/fontconfig/conf.avail/70-no-bitmaps.conf .
+ </screen>
+You may wish to replace the native fontconfig libraries entirely,
+which is useful should you have any previously-compiled binaries
+that used it.
+ <screen>
+ # cd /usr/X11R6/lib
+ # mv libfontconfig.so.1.0 libfontconfig.so.1.0.old
+ # rm libfontconfig.so.1
+ # ln -s ../../pkg/lib/libfontconfig.so.1 .
+ # cd /usr/X11R6/bin
+ # mv fc-cache fc-cache.old
+ # mv fc-list fc-list.old
+ </screen>
+To configure fontconfig, add the following line to your
+local.conf. This file is generally found in
+If you installed the fonts/fontconfig package, you will
+<emphasis role="bold">also</emphasis> need to add the line to
+(or replace one with a symbolic link to another):
+ <screen>
+ <dir>/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/TTF</dir>
+ </screen>
+The <filename>local.conf</filename> file may look like this:
+ <screen>
+ <?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
+ <fontconfig>
+ <dir>/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/TTF</dir>
+ </fontconfig>
+ </screen>
+You can also add other directories containing fonts to the
+<filename>local.conf</filename> file. The following lines are
+for using teTeX-3.0 and ghostscript fonts:
+ <screen>
+ <dir>/usr/pkg/share/texmf-dist/fonts/</dir>
+ <dir>/usr/pkg/share/ghostscript/fonts</dir>
+ </screen>
+ </para>
+ Rebuild the font cache for applications that use fontconfig
+ <screen>
+ # fc-cache -v
+ </screen>
+Depending on your hardware this may take a long time.
+Run the following commands:
+ <screen>
+ # mkfontscale /usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/TTF
+ # mkfontdir /usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/TTF
+ </screen>
+There should now be the files <filename>fonts.dir</filename> and
+ <filename>fonts.scale</filename> in the TTF font directory.
+<para>Configure the X server:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> In the <quote>Module</quote> section, make sure that the following exists:
+ <screen>
+ Load "type1"
+ Load "freetype"
+ </screen>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ In the <quote>Files</quote> section, verify the order of
+ the font paths. Verify that the TTF and Type1
+ font paths are before the rest:
+ <screen>
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local/"
+ FontPath "/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/TTF"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
+ FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"</screen>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ To apply the changes to the current X session, instead of
+ restarting X, run the following command
+ <screen>
+ # xset fp rehash
+ </screen>
+ This will examine newly added font paths for changes.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Instead of adding <quote>FontPath</quote> directives to the X configuration file,
+ you can run the following commands from
+ <filename>~/.xinitrc</filename>
+ (or <filename>~/.xsession</filename>) file:
+ <screen>
+ xset +fp /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1
+ xset +fp /usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/TTF
+ xset +fp /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local
+ </screen>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+<para>That's it! Run the following commands to test the configuration.
+ <screen>
+ $ xterm -ls -fg gray -bg black -ls -fa 'Courier New:bold' -fs 10
+ </screen>
+Run the command <userinput>fc-list</userinput> it should list
+the fonts available, and shouldn't dump core!
+While the xterm command from above only tests the fontconfig part, the following
+command will test the XLFD-style access:
+ <screen>
+ $ xterm -fn '-monotype-Courier New-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-m-0-iso8859-1'
+Another test is that the following should show multiple fonts:
+ <screen>
+ $ xlsfonts | grep -i 'courier new'
+ </screen>
+ You can find other TTF font packages under pkgsrc/fonts.
+ For example <filename role="pkg">fonts/vera-ttf</filename>
- <para>This Anti-Aliased-Fonts-Mini-Howto was written by Jared
- D. McNeill.</para>
- </sect3>
<sect3 id="fc-cache">
<title>Xft using applications eat CPU cycles, but don't appear
@@ -360,7 +473,7 @@
<para>It is possible that the application in question is
computing the font information that should have been
- prepared by fc-cache -- re-run '<code>fc-cache -v</code>' to
+ prepared by fc-cache - re-run '<code>fc-cache -v</code>' to
make sure the information in the cache is up-to-date.</para>